Peers Reaching Out (PROs)
A Professional Undergraduate Student Cohort of OSUSPP
To learn more about Peers REACHing Out, see our PROs Recruitment Video.
The application for PROs is now open for the 2025-2026 cohort! Please apply using the online form.
Deadline to apply is April 25, 2025. Email with any questions.
PROs Trained to be Peer-Educators
Peers REACHing Out (PROs) was developed in 2013 by the Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program in order to cultivate student leaders, educators and advocates for suicide prevention. Before the inception of PROs, peer educators had not been used for suicide prevention education of an American university. Although the project was therefore groundbreaking, OSUSPP was confident that students have an invaluable role to play in saving lives and creating a culture of caring at Ohio State.
Every year, PROs has grown as more and more passionate and dedicated students apply to join a cause that they care about deeply. OSUSPP works closely with these PROs as they develop the necessary skills to provide mental health outreach and educational REACH© suicide prevention gatekeeper training on our campus. Since the beginning of PROs, our program has witnessed the incredible impact that students have to increase the spread of knowledge and to change attitudes about suicide prevention. By providing REACH trainings, coordinating and participating in outreach events such as the Out of the Darkness Campus Walk, RUOK? Day and becoming advocates for Ohio State populations in need, PROs dedicate themselves to transforming the Ohio State community into a place where every student, staff and faculty feels cared about and supported in seeking help if they should ever need it.
PROs accept a tremendous responsibility to become knowledgeable, effective and professional advocates for suicide prevention. Their time and dedication to this important cause helps them to grow into strong leaders and trustworthy, self-aware individuals. PROs often reflect on their experience in this student organization as one of the most meaningful and transformative experiences of their college years, and they know that their work to prevent suicide has truly made a difference even after they have graduated.
Peers REACHing Out Fact Sheet
What is Peers Reaching Out (“PROs”)?
Peers REACHing Out (“PROs”) provides undergraduate students with an exciting opportunity to be a part of something that really matters. Students selected for this professional cohort of the Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program will have the opportunity to become campus leaders in suicide prevention and mental health promotion through the pillars of outreach, education and advocacy. We are interested in identifying students who want to make a difference and are willing to commit time each week to doing just that.
What would I be doing as part of the program?
The PROs will work with the OSU Suicide Prevention program to promote campus education about mental health and suicide prevention. PROs are trained to deliver REACH, a suicide prevention training that equips students to: Recognize warnings signs, Engage with empathy, Ask directly about suicide, Communicate hope and Help suicidal individuals access care and treatment. PROs will develop useful professional skills, leadership, public speaking and knowledge of comprehensive campus suicide prevention. Through peer-training, outreach and advocacy, students have the opportunity to truly help their fellow Buckeyes and play an important role in the mission of suicide prevention. All this while working in community and collaboration with passionate, like-minded peers.
Do I have to be a psychology or health major?
No! PROs include undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds, career interests and majors. We value having students who represent a broad range of interests.
How much time each week should I expect to commit to the program?
This may vary depending on each student’s unique situation, but as a rule of thumb we would ask you to commit an average of 3-4 hours per week (some weeks could be more depending on any outreach/advocacy events and the number of trainings you are able to facilitate). This time commitment provides you with the training and skills to be confident in your REACH training and campus outreach and advocacy efforts and accounts for opportunities to collaborate with your peers and the Suicide Prevention Program in other campus suicide prevention initiatives.
Can I use my time to complete academic internship or volunteer requirements?
We are certainly willing to work with you and your department to identify whether your time dedicated to this program can be used for academic credit or volunteer requirements.
If you have additional questions, just ask!
Email for additional information.